Episode 15: Veronica Webb

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As the first black woman to land a major cosmetics contract, Veronica Webb has built her career from the ground up – creating opportunities where there were none. Launching her career as a spokeswoman for Revlon, Webb went on to craft an illustrious career as a model, fashion writer, actress, and TV personality. From walking the runway for Victoria’s Secret and Chanel to co-hosting Bravo’s Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style to starring in Spike Lee’s 1991 Jungle Fever, Webb is a true jack of all trades. As one of the most versatile legends in fashion, Webb has walked the runway for major collections like Chanel and written numerous fashion columns for nearly every major publication from the NYT to Paper magazine. Gracing the covers of Vogue, Essence, and Elle magazine, Webb fearlessly immersed herself in her passion and created unforgettable memories along the way. Through Webb’s triumph over the trials and tribulations of the fashion industry, she continues to inspire us all to believe – with a little determination and inspiration – you can design the life of your dreams.

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Show Notes:

Follow Veronica Webb on Instagram @veronicawebb

Visit her website WebbOnTheFly.com

Follow Veronica on Twitter @VeronicaWebb
