Episode 25: Crystal Tate

Crystal Tate believes there is no image, title, or brand big enough to risk your authenticity. As a talented fashion and beauty editor with a notable fashion journalism career, Tate has learned that letting a brand define you, only takes you further away from your true purpose. As a seasoned beauty editor from New York City with an eye for the latest trends and a mission to elevate diverse talent in the industry, Tate stays true to her personal ethics in and out of the office. Writing for every major fashion publication from ESSENCE to Women’s Day to Allure, Tate believes that the only way to find your voice is to first develop a concrete understanding of what success means to you.

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Show Notes:
Follow Crystal on Instagram @mscrystaldenise
Check out some of Crystal’s work here: https://linktr.ee/crystaldenise
Check out articles by Robin Givhan: https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/robin-givhan/